Causes of Automobile Accidents
Car accidents and car collisions, truck accidents and truck collisions, and semi-tractor trailer accidents and collisions may all be caused as a result of inattention, negligent operation of a vehicle, or the reckless operation of a vehicle. A driver who is reckless is one who operates a vehicle unsafely with a disregard for the probability that such driving may cause an accident. Law enforcement officers and agencies cite, arrest and prosecute aggressive drivers who speed, tailgate, change lanes without signaling and engage in dangerous driving practices. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) defines aggressive driving as a progression of unlawful driving actions including:
- Speeding
- Changing lanes improperly or excessively
- Failing to signal
- Failing to see that movement can be made safely
- Passing improperly
Additional traffic violations may include failing to stop at a traffic signal or stop sign, failure to yield at a yield sign, failing to yield to on-coming traffic, driving to fast for the road conditions, and driving while intoxicated.
Establish Liability
A person involved in a motor vehicle accident or collision, especially where the person does not believe he or she is at fault should contact law enforcement to document the traffic accident or collision. Failure to contact law enforcement often makes it more difficult to prove liability. Many people are not honest, and a person who apologizes for causing a collision may later deny any liability. This makes the job of the attorney more difficult in representing a client’s interest in a car accident, car collision, or any type of motor vehicle collision.
Generally, insurance companies become involved once the accident and/or collision is reported. Insurance companies rarely voluntarily offer fair or just compensation. And insurance companies will generally want to review the accident report before discussing any type of compensation. Failing to call law enforcement to the scene of the collision generally makes it more difficult to resolve any issue amicably with an insurance company.
Our personal injury lawyers and injury attorneys at Brydon, Swearengen & England P.C. in Jefferson City, Missouri represent clients in a multitude of personal injury actions including, but not limited to, the following:
- Auto accidents & auto collisions
- Birth defects
- Boating accidents & boating collisions
- Brain injuries
- Car accidents & car collisions
- Dangerous conditions & dangerous products
- Dangerous products & defective products
- Death
- Failure to warn of injuries
- Falls
- Farm accidents
- Medical malpractice & medical negligence
- Motorcycle accidents & motorcycle collisions
- Motor vehicle accidents & motor vehicle collisions
- Premises liability claims
- Property injuries
- Semi-tractor trailer accidents & semi-tractor trailer collisions
- Slip and fall claims
- Tractor trailer accidents & tractor trailer collisions
- Work related injuries
- Wrongful death claims
Automobile Accident Attorneys in Jefferson City, MO
At Brydon, Swearengen & England P.C. in Jefferson City, Missouri we have the experience you need to successfully litigate virtually any type of personal injury claim. Our injury lawyers and injury attorneys also recognize that trial and litigation is not necessarily the goal of every client. Our injury law attorneys and injury lawyers understand that injury law issues are emotional and frustrating often causing stress and worry. We can facilitate mediation and settlement as alternatives to trial.
Our attorneys take the time to fully explain how the court “system” works, detail the law relevant to your case and outline realistic expectations. You can expect a courteous and knowledgeable staff and access to experienced attorneys. Our legal representation is generally based upon a contingency fee arrangement. Our fee is contingent on making a recovery for you; you do not pay our fees unless we recover money for you. Our injury law attorneys and injury law lawyers at Brydon, Swearengen & England, P.C. in Jefferson City, Missouri offer a free consultation to discuss your case to determine whether we might be of professional assistance.
Our attorneys at Brydon, Swearengen & England P.C. in Jefferson City, Missouri have a reputation for excellence, thorough preparation and innovation. Our injury law attorneys and injury lawyers have diverse experience and complimentary talents to provide you attentive, efficient service. From our office in Jefferson City, Brydon, Swearengen & England P.C., our injury law attorney and injury lawyers handle car accidents, all types of motor vehicle collisions, medical malpractice claims, premises liability claims, product liability claims, worker’s compensation claims and wrongful death claims for clients throughout Mid-Missouri, in Jefferson City, Columbia, Eldon, Linn, Fulton, Osage Beach, Lake Ozark, Camdenton, Versailles, Boonville, Mexico, Sedalia, Hermann, Vienna, Montgomery City, Waynesville, as well as the counties of Audrain, Boone, Callaway, Camden, Cole, Cooper, Gasconade, Maries, Miller, Morgan, Moniteau, Montgomery, Osage, Phelps, Pulaski, and others.
Please contact Scott Hamblin for more information or to schedule your consultation.

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