Estate Planning in Jefferson City, MO
Brydon, Swearengen & England P.C. offers a variety of representation for estate planning, elder law and conservator/guardianship matters in Jefferson City and the surrounding Missouri region. Whether you need assistance with large or small estate matters or have a family member or loved one who may need legal advice, our experienced estate planning attorneys can help. The Brydon, Swearengen & England attorneys can also assist in avoiding probate, reviewing previously drafted wills and trusts, and educating clients for better understanding of these plans.
Clients will also find estate planning as practical and painless as possible at Brydon, Swearengen & England. The firm’s estate planning lawyers work with clients to clarify their unique circumstances, goals, and requirements and then recommend a course that will enable them to effectively and efficiently plan for the future.
Objectives of our Estate Planning Lawyers
Many objectives can be addressed through the estate planning process. These objectives are not restricted to individuals of a specific age, profession, income or asset base. Some of the most common are:
- Preserving the value of your assets
- Avoiding probate
- Reducing unnecessary estate taxes
- Ensuring that your heirs will receive what you intend for them to receive
- Managing your estate for you and your heirs in the event that you become disabled or incapacitated
Our Attorney’s Estate Planning Services
To meet these objectives, Brydon, Swearengen & England’s estate planning attorneys provides a full range of trust and estate planning services:
- Wills and probate administration, including determination of appropriate probate-avoidance measures
- Establishment and administration of a broad range of trusts, including revocable living trusts, charitable trusts, educational trusts and minors’ trusts
- Termination of trusts
- Guardianship
- Conservatorship
- Advance planning for healthcare and health-related financial matters, including living wills, healthcare directives, durable healthcare powers of attorney and durable financial powers of attorney
- Lifetime gift and asset distribution planning
- Elder law
- Concerns specific to privately held businesses and their owners, including transition and succession planning
- Estate and trust disputes and litigation
- Estate administration/ Probate
Brydon, Swearengen & England P.C., handles Estate and Trust matters for clients throughout Mid-Missouri, including all of Cole, Boone, Callaway, Miller, Moniteau, Pettis, Osage, Camden, Gasconade, Phelps, Audrain, Cooper, Randolph and Warren Counties.
For additional information please contact Stephen A. Rehagen.

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