Probation Violations: Jefferson City Criminal Lawyers and Criminal Attorneys
Persons may be placed on probation following a criminal conviction or guilty plea to either a misdemeanor or felony offense. Probation violations occur when a person has violated one or more conditions of his or her probation. A new arrest for a crime or criminal offense will generally result in court action to revoke a person’s probation. Other probation violations include, but are not limited to, failing to maintain employment, failing to report to the probation officer, testing positive for alcohol or drugs, failing to complete community service, and failing to complete any other special condition of probation ordered by the court. Any probation violation is serious because the result is often jail or prison.
Hiring an experienced criminal lawyer and criminal attorney is critical when facing revocation of probation. Scott Hamblin has represented hundreds of clients confronted with probation violations. Scott Hamblin has successfully persuaded numerous courts to continue clients on probation. If you have questions or need assistance with a probation violation or any other criminal matter, contact Scott Hamblin and the criminal lawyers and criminal attorneys at Brydon, Swearengen & England P.C. in Jefferson City. Our experienced criminal lawyers and criminal attorneys will take the time to fully explain how the criminal “system” works, including criminal procedure, details of the criminal laws relevant to your case, and a realistic idea of what you should expect in your criminal or driving case. At Brydon, Swearengen & England P.C. in Jefferson City, you can expect a courteous and knowledgeable staff, prompt return of calls, access to experienced criminal lawyers and criminal attorneys.
Our criminal lawyers and criminal attorneys at Brydon, Swearengen & England P.C. in Jefferson City have a reputation for excellence, thorough preparation and innovation. Our criminal law attorneys and criminal lawyers have diverse experience and complimentary talents to provide you attentive, efficient service. From our office in Jefferson City, our criminal lawyers and criminal attorneys at Brydon, Swearengen & England P.C. handle criminal law matters for clients throughout Missouri, including, but not limited to, Jefferson City, Columbia, Eldon, Linn, Fulton, Osage Beach, Lake Ozark, Camdenton, Versailles, Boonville, Mexico, Sedalia, Hermann, Tuscumbia, Vienna, Montgomery City, Waynesville, as well as the counties of Audrain, Boone, Callaway, Camden, Cole, Cooper, Gasconade, Maries, Miller, Morgan, Moniteau, Montgomery, Osage, Phelps, Pulaski, and others.
Contact Scott Hamblin for more information.

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