Federal Crimes & Offenses: Jefferson City Criminal Lawyers and Criminal Attorneys
Criminal charges filed in the United States District Courts (federal courts) are some of the most serious criminal offenses which exist. Criminal charges are not filed by local prosecuting attorneys, but by the United States Attorney’s Office. The United States Attorney’s Office utilizes resources unavailable to the local prosecutors including highly trained investigators within federal agencies such as the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives (ATF), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE), and the U.S. Postal Service. These investigative agencies utilize any number of resources in criminal investigations including wiretaps of telephones, confidential informants, and seizures of bank records. Federal Sentencing Guidelines provide significant punishment involving incarceration. Many crimes which can be filed in State courts can also be filed in federal courts, but the punishments are far in excess of what a person may expect.
Relatively few criminal lawyers have experience representing individuals in United States District Court. Even fewer criminal lawyers have jury trial experience in federal court. Scott Hamblin regularly appears in United States District Court. If you need assistance with a federal criminal case, contact Scott Hamblin at Brydon, Swearengen & England P.C. in Jefferson City. Scott Hamblin will take the time to fully explain how the federal criminal “system” works, including criminal procedure, details of the criminal laws relevant to your case, and a realistic idea of what you should expect in your criminal case. At Brydon, Swearengen & England, P.C. in Jefferson City, you can expect a courteous and knowledgeable staff, prompt return of calls, access to experienced criminal lawyers.
Our criminal lawyers at Brydon, Swearengen & England P.C. in Jefferson City have a reputation for excellence, thorough preparation and innovation. Our attorneys have diverse experience and complimentary talents to provide you attentive, efficient service. From our office in Jefferson City, our criminal lawyers at Brydon, Swearengen & England P.C. handle criminal law matters for clients throughout Missouri, including, but not limited to, Jefferson City, Columbia, Eldon, Linn, Fulton, Osage Beach, Lake Ozark, Camdenton, Versailles, Boonville, Mexico, Sedalia, Hermann, Tuscumbia, Vienna, Montgomery City, Waynesville, as well as the counties of Audrain, Boone, Callaway, Camden, Cole, Cooper, Gasconade, Maries, Miller, Morgan, Moniteau, Montgomery, Osage, Phelps, Pulaski, and others.
Contact Scott Hamblin for more information.

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