James C. Swearengen of Brydon, Swearengen & England has been named a “Groundbreaking Lawyer of 2010” by Public Utilities Fortnightly for his work in the areas of state utility regulation and utility litigation. The magazine included Swearengen in its list of groundbreaking attorneys published in a November 2010 article entitled “Legal Battleground: 2010 Law & Lawyers Report.”
The article indicates that utility companies face an uncertain regulatory atmosphere created by emerging issues (such as climate change, green energy incentives and recent financial reforms) and by the absence of a long-term energy policy for the United States. State and local governments are taking action to address public concerns about the environment without clear directions from Congress or federal agencies. James Swearengen and the attorneys at Brydon, Swearengen & England P.C. provide valuable advice and skills to help public utilities navigate regulatory uncertainty.