We frequently receive calls from people seeking to expunge past criminal convictions.  The good news is that Missouri has greatly increased the number of people who can apply for expungement and decreased the time they must wait before they can have their crimes expunged.

Effective January 1, 2018, 610.140, RSMo. allows for the expungement of many misdemeanors after three years and many felonies after seven years.  There are some exceptions as to what convictions can be expunged, including Class A felonies, violent crimes, and sex crimes.  However, for other crimes, convicted persons may be eligible for expungement if they have exhibited that they are not threats to public safety and have not committed any subsequent misdemeanors or felonies.

For more information on whether you can successfully proceed with an expungement, please contact Scott A. Hamblin at (573) 635-7166 or scotthamblin@brydonlaw.com.